• Elkton Hall

    University of Maryland-College ParkCollege Park, MD

  • Overall Dorm Grade

    • D
      Location on Campus
    • A
      Dorm Common Areas
    • A
      Proximity to Dining
    • C
      Independent Study Space
    • B
      Room Size
    • A
      Wifi Connectivity

  • Rate your stay at Elkton Hall

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  • About Elkton Hall

    Elkton Hall offers single, double, triple and quad rooms with a large community bathroom on each floor for residents to share. Features air-conditioning, a laundry facility, data jacks and cable connections.

    Gender: Coed
    Residents: Undergraduate Student

    Amenities at Elkton Hall

    • Laundry room
    • Cable
    • ADA compliant
    • Air Conditioning
    • WiFi
  • Photos & Videos of Elkton Hall

    Resident Reviews of Elkton Hall

    2 Reviews
    Rate & Review
    • Freshman  |  March 20
      Overall Dorm Grade

      The rooms aren't that big, but what else can you expect from traditional-style freshman housing? The bathrooms are decent in terms of cleanliness and functionality, however, if you live on a co-ed floor (like I did), your bathroom may be located on the complete opposite end of the floor. While Elkton does have A/C, it's set on an automatic system that depends on the temperature outside. This means that when temperatures drop below around 50 degrees F outside, the building immediately begins blasting heat regardless of the temperature inside. This was super inconvenient. My room got so unnecessarily hot that I had to buy a window fan just to get it to a bearable temperature. My roommate and I kept the window open every day of the winter because of this problem. I didn't really have high expectations knowing that Elkton is one of the dorms dedicated to housing Freshmen, yet all things considered, Elkton really isn't that bad of a dorm.

    • Freshman  |  March 6
      Overall Dorm Grade

    Rate Your Dorm at Elkton Hall

    A B C D F
  • Room Types at Elkton Hall

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