• Whitehurst Hall

    Old Dominion UniversityNorfolk, VA

  • Overall Dorm Grade

    • D
      Location on Campus
    • A
      Dorm Common Areas
    • C
      Proximity to Dining
    • A
      Independent Study Space
    • A
      Room Size
    • A
      Wifi Connectivity

  • Rate your stay at Whitehurst Hall

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  • About Whitehurst Hall

    Whitehurst Hall offers suites with double occupancy rooms and suite style bathrooms. Features study lounges, laundry rooms, convenience store, cable TV, WiFi and Legends Dining Center. Whitehurst Hall houses multiple living learning programs.

    Gender: Coed
    Residents: Freshman, Undergraduate Student

    Amenities at Whitehurst Hall

    • Recreation room
    • Cable
    • Dining Hall
    • WiFi
    • Laundry room
    • Study lounge
  • Resident Reviews of Whitehurst Hall

    • Freshman  |  February 4
      Overall Dorm Grade

      People shit on it a lot, but it really isn't that bad except for two things: It's a good walk away from the main part of campus, and it's full of freshman. I say that as a freshman myself, it's just apparently people haven't learned etiquette yet, always screaming in the hallway and setting off fire alarms. But as for the size of the rooms and the bathrooms and furniture and all that, I was pretty happy with it. I was very happy to share a bathroom with a suite of 4 people rather than having that kind of community/hall bathroom that I've heard horror stories about lol. I never really needed to bring up issues with our RA, but she always made it clear we could contact her at any time. The RAs were very friendly and set up activities pretty often.

    Rate Your Dorm at Whitehurst Hall

    A B C D F
  • Room Types at Whitehurst Hall

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