• Premier Barber Institute Housing

    Norristown, PAPrivate for-profit, less-than 2-year

    The mission for Premier Barber Institute, as a private school. We will provide s t a t e of t h e a r t c o u r s e instruction t h a t will p r e p a r e a n d e q u i p o u r students to m e e t and exceed t h e requirements n e c e s s a r y in b e c o m i n g a licensed Barber, Barber Teacher, or Manager, in t h e state of Pennsylvania. We will facilitate t h e latest educational tools and techniques in t h e industry, providing our s t u d e n t s with t h e technical a n d p r o f e s s i o n a l skills n e e d e d to succeed in t h e ever changing world of Barbering.

    Mascot:   None
    Population:   63
    Tuition:   $14,930
    Housing:   $0

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